Wednesday 25 April 2012

Satan is real

Preacher, tell them that Satan is real too. You can hear him in songs that give praise to idols and sinful things of this world. You can see him in the destruction of homes torn apart. I know that Satan is real. For once I had a happy home; I was loved and respected by my family; I was looked upon as a leader in my community. And then Satan came into my life, I grew selfish and un-neighbourly. My friends turned against me. And finally my home was broken apart. My children took their path into a world of sin.

Yes, preacher, it’s sweet to know that God is real. And to know that in him all things are possible. And we know that heaven is a real place, where joy shall never end. But sinner friends, if you’re here today, Satan is real too, and hell is a real place. A place of everlasting punishment.

The Louvin Brothers, 'Satan is Real', Satan is Real (1959), 1.11 - 2.24