Friday 8 February 2019

Right here, friends, we have the pinnacle of sixties pop

A quick dissection of 'Good Vibrations': the opening keyboard sound always feels to me like sunlight through a kitchen window first thing in the morning, the death-ray theremin of the chorus sounds like Star Trek  (first screened in 1966), and when I hear the harpsichord section there's a girl in a white dress sat on my lap in the back of an old jalopy. 'Good Vibrations' can make synaesthetes out of all of us. On top of that, it's a pretty faultless love song. Right here, friends, we have the pinnacle of sixties pop.

B. Stanley, Yeah yeah yeah: the story of modern pop (2013), 197

I don't think Good Vibrations is the pinnacle of sixties pop, but the point is valid, and the pages from which this is taken are brilliant on the extraordinary and rapid evolution of pop from 64-68.

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