Sunday 15 September 2024

Once upon a time we were all hunters and gatherers

Once upon a time we were all hunters and gatherers. The first to stop hunting and gathering did so no more than 12,000 years ago, which is but a dot on the human timeline. This was when food was abundant and there were few of us to eat it. The Bible's Old Testament and the Quran's Sura 2, al-Baqarah, the Cow, present this as time spent in a garden, a time of great happiness and perfect innocent in the Garden of Eden.

There are many translations of the word Eden, but all of them point in the same direction, from the Sumerian edin, meaning a plain or steppe, to the Aramaic word for well-watered and the Hebrew for pleasure.

A. Sattin, Nomads (2022), 15

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